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Medium LD

Medium Labradoodles range from 40-50 lbs and have a low to non-shed coat.

Goldendoodle Sizes


F1B Mini GD

Mini F1b Goldendoodles will be non shedding and weigh less than 25 lbs as adults. Adorable, intelligent and loving all in a small package.


Mini-Med GD​

Mini F1b Goldendoodles will be non shedding and weigh less than 25 lbs as adults. Adorable, intelligent and loving all in a small package.


Standard GD

Standard Goldendoodles will mature to be 50 lbs. and up. The size of the average Retriever or Standard Poodle


F1B Mini GD

Mini F1b Goldendoodles will be non shedding and weigh less than 25 lbs as adults. Adorable, intelligent and loving all in a small package.


F1B Medium GD

Medium Goldendoodles range from 40 -50 + lbs. Can be F1 or F1bs.

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