About Us:
In 2001, my mother, Cindy Hancock, founded the renowned "Abracadoodle" kennel in Washington State. My mother has been breeding, rearing, and training the best quality Golden Retrievers, Labradors, and Poodles for over 45 years and just retired 2024
Growing up around dog breeding, I began my own "classy boutique & country chic" themed Doodle program on the Central Coast of California in 2010.
Together, my mother and I work together as a team to strive to produce the best Doodles for our clients nationwide.
The Doodles I produce are family raised on my rural ranch outside of Templeton, California where the dogs can run, play, and swim in the great outdoors.
Thank you for visiting our page. Please look at the wonderful dogs we have available and fill out an application or contact me if you are interested.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Meet our Family

Welcome to Denim and Diamond Doodles!
My name is Charlotte and I am the founder and owner of Denim and Diamond Doodles kennel.
As a young girl, I was raised in Santa Ynez California by my mother, Cindy Hancock - the founder and owner of Abracadoodles, where I grew up riding horses, raising animals for 4-H, and learning dog training and breeding from my mother. At a young age, I learned the importance of having a loving, healthy relationship with animals and have brought that care and integrity to my own ranch in Templeton, California, where I now raise, train, and care for my own horses and dogs.
As a mother, I believe in passing along the love of animals and the outdoors to my son Morgan, who helps take care of animals on the farm and raise puppies from our litter
In addition, my son and I believe in community outreach and it is an important part of our lives. Personally, I am involved as an instructor with the United States Pony Club and I ride and train with the San Luis Obispo County Mounted Sheriff’s Posse. Also, every year, Morgan and I donate one of my Doodle puppies to a charitable organization to help their fundraising efforts.
Creator of "Classic Boutique & Country Chic" Denim & Diamonds Doodle bloodlines

Charlotte's Mom & Founder of "Abracadoodle" Kennel in Washington
Cindy Hancock has selected her Doodle parents from the healthiest, kindest and most trainable of the dogs to be considered at her kennel. First generation crosses (F1) and F1b will be available now with multi-generation crosses (F2). There will be some cross backs to poodles to obtain a more hypo-allergenic coat.
Cindy has been breeding, raising and training Golden Retrievers for 25 years. During her 45 years as a professional breeder, Cindy has also raised, owned, and trained Labradors and Poodles. Intrigued by the development of this new breed, Cindy researched, studied and came to the conclusion that this was truly a wonderful combination and she endeavored to breed some specially chosen dogs and produce Doodles.
Several of the Golden Retriever puppies who were born at CH Kennels are used for therapy dogs. The origin of “Doodles” is found in Australia where they were originally bred as a service dog for disabled persons. In keeping with this important public service CH Kennel donates one puppy per year to be raised by a foster family and trained as a service/companion dog. Cindy has donated puppies to a ranch for abused children that rehabilitates kids through the love and nurturing of special animals. Cindy has also taught dog obedience and helped owners with “problem” dogs, having earned several trophies through the years.
Cindy has an extensive background in the field of animal health, having studied Animal Science at California Polytechnic State University, and worked in the veterinary field for more than 15 years. She is dedicated to producing GoldenDoodles and Labradoodles puppies that will make wonderful companions for responsible families.
CH Kennels Doodle parents are AKC registered and many have outstanding champion bloodlines. Their Doodle offspring will be registered with the CKC, UKC and APR. Her dogs excel in obedience, agility, flyball and other canine activities. Cindy has also been involved in local 4H clubs as a leader in dog care, and can usually offer a small discount to children in 4H dog groups. Children from the 4H group help tremendously with the socialization of the puppies born at CH Kennels.
Cindy’s dogs are firsthand members of her family. They live with her in her home when they are old enough they have free run of vast pastures at the ranch but the poodles always sleep in the house! All Cindy’s dogs are registered, obedience trained, house broken and are often found following her on the trail rides with the horses.
Cindy’s Ranch, located in beautiful rural Washington State near Spokane, is an oasis for her Goldens. They are free to run, play and swim in the great outdoors; the perfect life for GoldenDoodles and Labradoodles.

Charlotte's Son & Third Generation "Puppy Wrangler"
Morgan is growing up doing all the things kids love: playing outside in the fresh air, running around on the ranch getting dirty, climbing trees and sometimes scraping his knee, helping with chores, playing with puppies, riding horses and going camping. He is learning important life skills such as the responsibilities of caring for animals, and is quite mature for his age, although he will always be young at heart. Morgan has grown up a bunch , just like the pups. He is now a senior in highschool, but you can still be found riding horses, helping on the ranch tending the cattle and fixing fence , helping in training the pups or welding a new project for the ranch.

Meet the D & D Ladies
It takes more than one to be where we are today
Over the years, I have had the privilege of sharing my passion and expertise in raising doodles with others. These remarkable dogs have played an integral role in my life, assisting with birthing, training, and walking, while also helping me navigate technology, social media, and organize enjoyable events for our extended doodle family. From dawn until dusk—and even during the night—my commitment to the pups remains unwavering. We collaborate seamlessly, much like the perfect pairing of doodles and wine, as evidenced by our 2023 Doodle Romp at B & E Vineyard in Paso Robles, CA.
Pictured above left to right: Desiree, Raylyn, Patti, Charlotte, Hannah, and the Doodle Queen herself, Cindy.
Pictured below left to right: Charlotte & Lisa , Steve Manos & doodle friends , Charlotte, Marsha , Cindy and Patti